Fenwick Island Lions Club
Messages & Articles:
Historic Evening Club Meeting... by President Bruce
What a great evening - nice atmosphere, great food, a good program and wonderful fellowship!
A very nice turnout for our first-ever evening meal and meeting at Peaky’s Restaurant, at the top of the Fenwick Inn. At least 41
Lions and guests showed up!
Among the guests were PDG Bob Jones and his wife,
DG Cheryl Jones.
Pictured is Justin Schwab, owner of Peaky’s being
inducted as our newest member by District Governor
Cheryl Jones… as his sponsor, Cal Hook looks on.
(Picture by Sam Mooney)
Included in the meeting: KL Bruce showed a video and
briefly explained current renovations underway at Camp
Barnes supported by FILC (financially as well as sweat
Also, PDG Bob Jones presented a video about “Leader
Dog.” which has been in existence for seventy-five
years. The present facility is in need of renovations. This
will be a fourteen and one half million dollar project.
Lions clubs that are interested in supporting this project
can pledge an amount for a period of five years.
Among other things... Lion Fran had tickets for the “Pot
of Gold” fund raiser for the Youth. Tickets are due back
on May 1st and Lion Bob Hensler thanked KL Bruce for
the monetary donation for the purchase of a
printer/scanner for his wife’s relative who is blind.
In closing, KL Bruce thanked everyone who kept the club going while he and Sharon were away for the winter and he also
especially thanked PDG Bob and DG Cheryl for attending the meeting and helping us out.
We Serve to Help Others… with Courage and Talent to Succeed!